Following the policy of maximum awareness, after the application Radar (radar.bdz.bg) showing the location of the trains, BDZ gradually began to provide public data from its internal information system, collecting and analyzing the parameters of the trains operation.
As a first step, on the page www.bdz.bg/en/stats are available data from the last 24 hours on the number of moving passenger trains, by two indicators - on time and delayed, as well as the graph of the dynamic delay of the those in the railway network. The information is updated in real time every 10 minutes.
For easy access, a link to the statistic is located at the top of the BDZ site.
The data are based on the information submitted by the ROVR system of the National Railway Infrastructure Company (www.rail-infra.bg), and they are without the subsequent processing and filtering by type of cause of the delays (external or internal), performed additionally.