Timetable and prices
As of June 2023, the narrow gauge line operates 14 trains daily, with 4 running between the termini and the remaining trains serving shorter segments. For more detailed information, please refer to the Timetable section of the website.
This reliable transportation option provided by BDZ enables both locals and tourists to travel throughout the year. The train "Rodopi" (08:55 from September and back from Dobrinishte at 14:40) also has a dining car, which offers food and drinks.
The ticket price between the end stations ranges between BGN 6.60 and BGN 10 and all discounts under the BDZ passenger tariff apply. For individual journeys and for groups of up to 10 people there is no need to purchase tickets in advance.

Group Travel
If you are planning to travel as a group of more than 10, it is necessary to make accommodation arrangements in advance. Group travel bookings should be made at least 10 days prior to the intended travel date by calling 0892 288 220 or by sending an email to kvaklinov@bdz.bg.
Contact person - Kristian Vaklinov, chief expert at the Sales and Service Division of the Central Office of BDZ with an office in Septemvri station, responsible for customer service on the Rhodope narrow gauge railway.